New service item - Non-destructive testing of welds

Release date:2008/08/01
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Ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing and visual inspection of welds are now available in Structures and Buildings Department (DEE) of Civil Engineering Laboratory of Macau (LECM). The general information of the testings is shown as follows:

The ultrasonic testing is performed according to BS EN 1714:1998. It supersedes BS 3923-1:1986, which is withdrawn. It is used for the detecting, locating and evaluating internal discontinuities on full penetration welded joints in metallic materials equal to and above 8mm thick.

The magnetic particle testing is performed according to BS EN ISO 9934-1:2001. It is supersedes BS 6072:1981, which will remain current as an obsolescent standard. It is used for the detecting of weld discontinuities open to or near the surface in ferromagnetic materials.

Visual examination is performed according to BS EN 970:1997. It supersedes BS 5289:1976, which is withdrawn. It is normally performed on metallic fusion welds in the before, during and after weld condition.


→Non-destructive testing of welds 
