New Discount on LECM Standard Price

Release date:2006/04/08
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Due to much of our effort has been devoted to continuously improve the existing testing system and equipments while at the same time improving the service quality and working efficiency,  additionally, a host of benefits derived from a large quantity of tests; now, all these efforts have brought us to attain preliminary achievement, as a result, there is room for us to adjust our standard price.  In view of these facts, LECM is not only reducing some test prices (maximum reduction up to 20%), but also offer new discount on our new standard price. Taking effect from 8th April 2006, we offer additional 10% discount to LECM direct or indirect associates, details are as follows:

⒈ Plus the aforesaid 10% discount, the direct associates of LECM will be entitled to have a total discount of 20%; and

⒉ The indirect associates of LECM such as members of Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers, Macau Institution of Engineers and Macau Construction Association  will receive a total discount of 15%.

⒊ The aforesaid discount might be applied to a large quantity of tests requested by nonmembers of LECM based on case by case study.

