“Macau Prospect” Photography Competition

Release date:2008/04/09
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In order to reflect the rapid development of construction work and the value of world heritage in Macau, there will be a “Macau Prospect” photography competition which organized by Macau Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LECM), Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers(MABCD), Macau Construction Association (MCA), The Architect Association of Macau(AAM), Macau Construction Machinery Engineering Association(APMCCM) and The Macau Institution of Engineers(AEM); co-organized by The Photography Salon Society of Macao(PSSM) and sponsored by Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais (IACM). The competition can be applied now. For further details, please read the relative regulations:

1543371696439314.jpg Regulations

1543371707690893.jpg Application Form

