Technical Cooperation between Civil Engineering Laboratory of Macau (LECM) and China Transportation Engineering Shanghai Design and Consulting Co. LTD.(英文)

Release date:2006/11/15
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Invited by China Transportation Engineering Shanghai Design and Consulting Co. LTD., a 3-member delegation of LECM, led by Eng˚ Ao Peng Kong of the President of the Board of Directors of LECM and companied with Consultant Eng˚ H. Novais-Ferreira and Eng˚ Shen Qiang of the Chief of Centre of Foundations and Prospecting of LECM, visited China Transportation Engineering Shanghai Design and Consulting Co. LTD in Shanghai from 2006-Nov.-15 to 2006-Nov.-20. During the period of visit in Shanghai, the 3-member delegation was warmly received by Mr. Wang Xiang of the Board Chairman and General Manager of China Transportation Engineering Shanghai Design and Consulting Co. LTD., and made the friendly negotiations with Mr. Wang Xiang in the full use of the advantages of their technology and information. Both parties agreed to periodically exchange their information, technical skills and personnel, and also to induce each other in the field of cooperation. The purpose and contents of this visit are summarized as follows:

● Negotiate technical cooperation, and sign Cooperation Protocol between LECM and China Transportation Engineering Shanghai Design and Consulting Co. LTD.;

● Technical visit to the Headquarter of China Transportation Engineering Shanghai Design and Consulting Co. LTD., and its Site Investigation Department and Testing Laboratories;

● Technical visit to some large-scale projects in Shanghai, such as logistic park area, Yang Shan Deep-Water Harbor in East Sea, and 32km long bridge on sea.






