Colloquium about Integrity

Release date:2008/03/10
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To enhance our sense of anti-corruption, Civil Engineering Laboratory of Macau (LECM) invited Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macao to hold 3 seminars “Colloquium about Integrity” for us. All of our staffs attended the seminar on 28th Feb, 3rd March and 4th March 2008 respectively.

In the seminar, the legal adviser of CCAC explained actively some cases for anti-corruption problems which may be occurred in civil construction works. It let us recognize the correct way to solve the problems. LECM staffs asked questions eagerly and the scene was relaxed lively.


President of the Board of Directors of LECM Dr. Ao Peng Kong presented our souvenir to the representative of CCAC Mr. Wu Ka Wai


In the third seminar, the staffs of LECM listened attentively to the lecturer of CCAC
